Monday, 8 November 2010
Conference Video
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Reconnecting Ancestral Roots

All workshops will be in English but will also have translations available in Portugues and Italian.
October 14th
Thursday Evening: Opening of conference and Shamanic warm-Up with Maria Margarida Barros.
Margarida is a Plastic Artist, Scoiodramatist by the Portuguese Association of Psychodrama, teacher of Shamanism. Works with transdisciplinar aproach with Arts, Sciences and Old Traditions of knowledge and wisdo,, in the human development, in group and one-to-one
Born to life and reborn in life
Dance to connect with the value of human life, to strengthen personal power, through the vital energy and the creative information, the cosmic essence that we all are. To contact the strength and the light, the best in us, Life. Call all the ancestors from all kingdoms: mineral, vegetal, animal, to encounter them and welcome them.
Followed by Opening Ceremony "Welcoming Our Ancestors" with Manuela Maciel, Roger Woolger, Leandra Perrotta, Mark Wentworth and Maurizio Gasseau.
October 15th
Friday Morning - "The Sacred Ancestral Journey Home" through Dynamic Theatre – Mark Wentworth
Friday Afternoon - Integrating Light and Shadow of our Ancestors – Transgenerational Psychodrama, Geniosociogram and Dancetherapy with Manuela Maciel and Leandra Perrotta.
October 16th
Saturday Morning – Voices of the Ancestors – Dr Roger Woolger and Juanita Puddifoot.
Saturday Afternoon - Interview on Psychogenealogy with Anne Ancelin Schützenberger
Saturday Evening -
- Concert - Tenor Filipe De Moura will entertain and swoon you with "old time" opera classics as well as his own rendition of Sinatra and other musical favourites.
- Entertainment - PlayBack Theatre Performance by "Eras Uma Vez"
- Fancy Dress Party - Honour your ancestors by "dressing up" in times gone by
- Dancing - Dance the night away with music for all.
Evening entertainment is all of the above in the main conference room.
October 17th
Sunday morning - Discussion Panel with Manuela Maciel, Roger Woolger, Mark Wentworth, Maurizio Gasseau and Leandra Perrotta with questions and sharing from the audience.
Closing Ritual and Ceremony with Dancetherapy.
Death: the passage to the light
Ritual of psychopompo, from the greek word psyche (soul) and pompos (guide). Guiding the souls, take the ancestors that left life into the passage of death. Maybe they have left the body but their journey hasn`t ended yet. To take them to the intermediate worlds to the light. To honnour the ancestors.
Post Conference Excursion (see further down for information on our post conference tour of Lisbon and surrounding areas)
"It is the responsibility of the living
to heal their ancestors"
Malidoma Somé
Mark Wentworth

"The Sacred Ancestral Journey Home"
Dynamic Theatre & The Medicine Wheel
"To forget one's ancestor's is to be a brook without a source, and a tree without roots"
We will explore, listen to, and work with the Individual Soul, the Family Soul, the Tribal Soul, and the Collective Soul. Each soul exists within its own right and yet cannot exist without the other three, within one we find all, and within all, we find home. Our journey home means we go everywhere but actually we go nowhere, and in going nowhere we must be prepared to stand in the soul fire of each of the four directions. In each direction we find the gifts and legacies left by those who came before us, here is where we begin to share and to tell their often untold stories, knowing that within these histories there was someone who prayed and wished for someone just like us. Dynamic Theatre© allows us to go deep into the soul of life itself, and it is here where we can come home to ourselves, our families, our tribe and in so doing we welcome and bring everyone home, for home is where the heart is.
“A community needs a soul if it is to become a true home.
You the people must give it this soul”
Pope John Paul II
Dynamic Theatre (DT) was created by Mark Wentworth and Filipe De Moura in 2003. With a simple mission statement that embraces a desire and a passion to make a difference in the world. Inspired by Psychodrama, Shamanism and Systemic Therapies, it is an "action method" using spontaneous drama to help people understand the underlying issues which run through their everyday lives.
As Mark explains “...this is a time when our societies and communities are in the process of change, we are moving from the “I” and “Me” phase into the “Us” and “We”...with a sense of purpose and everyone making a valid and worthy contribution to their own societies and community...”
Dynamic Theatre is one way of reconnecting people with all that they are, it is a way of exploring, through acting out and play, the shadows of society and openly and honestly working with the wounds that need to be healed. Time and time again one of the comments Dynamic Theatre receives is the truth that it brings to any given situation. It is now being taught in many parts of the world. It is a technique which offers hope, inspiration and resolution to the challenges of daily living facing young and old throughout the world today.
"When we become the impossible,
the impossible then becomes possible"
Mark Wentworth
Manuela Maciel

Integrating Light and Shadow of our Ancestors
Transgenerational Psychodrama, Genosociogram and Dancetherapy
with Manuela Maciel and Leandra Perrotta
Transgenerational Psychodrama works with family co - uncounscious.
Manuela Maciel
Clinical Psychologist, Psychodramatist, Sociodramatist, Psychotherapist, Trainer and Supervisor and Vice-President at the Portuguese Psychodrama Association (SPP). President of Portuguese Association of EMDR.Chair of Psychodrama Section of IAGP – Intenational Association og Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (2003-2009). Co-Editor of book „Advanced Theory and Practice in Psychodrama” by Routledge (2007)Roger Woolger
We each have our individual ancestral patterns but they are inextricably interwoven with the collective woes our larger human communities and our national groups. Such inherited psychic residues mean that we all carry a portion of our ancestors’ struggles with poverty, war, colonial misery, sexual abusiveness, catastrophe, persecution and exile. Roger & Juanita will invite the group to participate in an experiment with Ancestral Field Work, which is powerful a way of intuitively tuning into and healing these ancestral residues that live in what Rupert Sheldrake, the biologist, calls the morphogenetic field of the planet and which others have called the akasha, the collective unconscious, the anima mundi or world soul.
Roger Woolger is a psychotherapist, lecturer and author specializing in past life regression spirit release and shamanic healing.
He was educated at the University of Oxford and King's College London, where he gained degrees in psychology, religion and philosophy. He then trained as an analyst at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich. His method is today called Deep Memory Process.
He began his practice with conventional Jungian therapy methods, including dreamwork, but through this began to discover images which seemed to be past life memories. He found a therapeutic and spiritual value in this method, which entails trauma release,psychodrama, deep body therapy, Tibetan "bardo" work and shamanic spirit release. His synthesis is today called Deep Memory Process.
The International Deep Memory Association (IDMA) was created for those interested in Roger's work and other aspects of transpersonal psychology. The IDMA has held annual conferences in different parts of Europe for the past 5 years with varied themes including: "War and Soul Loss" with Ed Tick, "Exile and the Longing to Return Home - Welcoming our Ancestors Home" For more information please see
This is what Roger has to say about the need of continued healing and work with the ancestors:-
"There is no question in my mind that what Jung called the ‘collective unconscious’, the Vedantists termed the ‘akasha’ and the Hermeticists called ‘anima mundi’, the world soul, is clogged and heavy with so much misery and unpurified psychic residue from the strife, sorrow and guilt accumulated over many centuries. I believe that groups of dedicated people like ourselves can do much to lighten this collective density, this cloud of tears, this ocean of lost souls, for the greater good and healing of the planet."
For further information please see or
Anne Ancelin Schützenberger

Interview with Anne Ancelin Schützenberger on the main concepts of Psychogenealogy and her clinical and academic experience and evidence on Transgenerational Transmission.
Anne Ancelin Schützenberger is Professor Emeritus at the University of Nice, France. She was trained in psychodrama by J. L. Moreno and by Jim Enneis in the United States; in group-dynamics and psycho-sociology with Kurt Lewin’s group, Leon Festinger and Ronald Lippitt. She worked with Carl Rogers, Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, Leon Festinger and the Palo Alto group.
Professor Anne Schützenberger is a co-founder with J.L. Moreno of IAGP (International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes). At 91, she is still working, running groups, lecturing, and training in psychodrama, non verbal-communication, group-psychotherapy, unfinished tasks and transgenerational links.
She is one of the main pioneers in the field of transgenerational therapy (genosociogram, encompassing five to seven generation and "coined" the term "psychogenealogy"). She became a bestseller at 80 with her books on transgenerational links - The Ancestor Syndrome - translated in seven languages.
Leandra Perrotta

Integrating Light and Shadow of our Ancestors
Transgenerational Psychodrama, Genosociogram and Dancetherapy
with Manuela Maciel and Leandra Perrotta
See Manuela's post for workshop information